Does Learning A Foreign Language...
The Thorny Problem Of COVID-19 Vaccines And Spike...
A Million-Year-Old Mammoth May Hold The Key To...
Getting To The Heart Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
First Nation Shell Middens And True Oysters
Researchers who observed viruses as they evolved to infect bacteria say they have confirmed the Red Queen Hypothesis, the idea that competing species drive molecular evolution through natural selection for adaptation and counter-adaptation. The team used high-throughput DNA sequencing technology to sequence thousands>
The crucial genetic mashup that spawned the yeast that brews the vast majority of beer occurred at least twice -- and both times without human help -- according to a new study.>
Male and female birds often show differences in body size, with males typically being larger. Some birds, like many ratites – large, flightless species such as emus and cassowaries – are the opposite, with the females towering over the males. But some extinct ratites, among the largest female birds in the>
A new test for diagnosing Tuberculosis offers a quick and simple alternative to existing three-day methods, according to research published today in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. The study shows that the test, which involves taking three sputum samples from a patient over the course of one day, is just>
Hearing voices that other people can’t is a meaningful experience. Like dreams, they can usually be understood in terms of one’s life experiences. Within mental health services, however, the prevailing medical model means some practitioners pay attention only to their presence, not their meaning. >